Critique of Mainstream Austrian Economics

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Antal Fekete refines Austrian economic theory, addressing missteps and advancing coherence while preserving its foundational principles.


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Print length

142 pages

File size

1,66 MB


Publication date




Print length

142 pages

File size

1,66 MB

Print length

Publication date




Print length

142 pages

File size

1,66 MB

File size

Publication date




Print length

142 pages

File size

1,66 MB

NYERLUCZ EDIT HENRIETTA played a pivotal role in co-authoring, editing, printing, and illustrating the work, bringing her expertise and creativity to every stage of the process. ZSIBRITA GRÉTA EDIT, as Secretary General, contributed significantly to illustrations, finalizing the project, and co-authoring, ensuring the completion and refinement of the work to the highest standard.

In his Critique of Mainstream Austrian Economics, math professor Antal Fekete concisely formulates several arguments, not so much against Austrian Economics, but rather in favor of them. His critique should be interpreted as a way of fortifying and improving on Carl Menger and Ludwig von Mises and their heterodox concepts in Central Europe before World War I. Some arguments take position against Mises who seemed locked into conclusions, inspired by unfortunate assumptions like the Quantity Theory of Money. Overcoming these limitations improves coherence in economic theory. The title should not fool the reader, the arguments are crafted against those who took Menger and Mises and hammered their concepts forcefully into the mainstream of economic science. Whatever their motives, their move stunted the independent development of Austrian Economic thinking. Antal Fekete sets out to correct this unfortunate situation. He feels this work should be the beginning, not the end, of a renewal in Austrian economic thinking.


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"The depths of Professor Fekete's insights into gold's role in the modern (and classical) monetary system are breathtaking, yet his writing style is very straightforward and readable. His essays are a rare treat for the amateur scholar or industry professional. A thorough study of his complete body of work is absolutely essential to anyone attempting to make rational investment decisions today. If you donâ (TM)t believe me on that last point, market events will change your mind soon enough."

— Nathan Narusis, CFA

"When we met, Antal E. Fekete was hardly known. Today, he is read around the world, as he fully deserves to be. I am proud to call this man my friend. His thinking is as fresh and profound as ever; his erudition is classic, hard to be found in economic circles today."

— Hugo Salinas Price, President, Mexican Civic Association Pro Silver

"There is no one on the planet who describes the gold issue better than you, nor anyone who better expresses visceral indignation against our fraudulent monetary system. While we disagree on some matters, on issues relating to gold you are the best of the best. It is an honor to have an association with you."

— Larry Parks, Executive Director, FAME

"His thinking has extended and complemented the work of Mises, Roepke, Bohm-Bawerk et all. Of course, many true believers in the Austrian school continue to call his work 'heresy' and refuse to accept the true, positive impact of the Professor's ideas. Too bad! It seems Professor Fekete is a heretic visionary!"

— Rudy Fritsch, Canada

"The so-called study of economics has devolved into a justification of debt-based economies in the guise of free-markets. Serious students could do no better than to stop at Professor Feketeâ (TM)s door for a refreshing repast of truth instead of the self-serving cant and opinion being ladled out by the supporters of paper money."

Darryl Robert Schoon, Author

"Professor Fekete is the man to listen to if you want to find out what is really going on in this crazy financial circus that masquerades as our global economy."

Tom Cash